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This "ADD ON" is an additon for your dog leash. It is suitable for any of the dog leads we have listed, with the exception of the convertible leash which already has one!


This is a great addition to your leash for dog servants + owners that like to quickly secure their dog to a pole/chair/table while out to brunch etc.


You choose the leash you want, add this swivel and we build the leash with the additional swivel at the handle end of the leash for you! 


This swivel will match the hardware of the leash you purchase.


Alternatively, this does create a double ended leash which will enable use with a balance harness.


Adding this swivel to your 3-dog splitter will make the third strap, removable.

Extra Swivel Clip for Handle of Leash

  • /ˈadɒn/


    noun: an extra embellishment, that can be added to a main item in order to personalise, beautify or customise its appearance.


    how to use: "I simply love colour... add-on the painted edges!"

  • The texture of the BioThane Standard is different to the BioThane Adjustable webbing. Please consider this if buying different coloured items to form a set.


    BioThane Adjustable is a new webbing which is specifically designed for pet collars + leads. This webbing is thinner and more flexible than BioThane Standard. It's softer on fur + fingers :)


    BioThane Standard webbing is a thicker, leather alternative, style webbing with a grain embossed onto the webbing.


    The good news is that the colours are identical between the Adjustable and Standard styles - so while they may feel different, they still match perfectly.


    We stock 16 of the 30 colours available in the 'standard' style + stock 7 of the 11 colours available in the 'adjustable' style.


    We can order in the colours we don't regularly stock, if you are prepared to wait. A full list of colours can be viewed HERE.

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